Thursday, 30 April 2009

This is the kind of blog post I appreciate. No b.s., no angles, just, uh, sane advice and methodology, practical and simple, on how to get back to the front.

The Natural Cure For Bipolar Disorder

You Can Cure
Bipolar Disorder And Reclaim Your Life.

Contrary to what the medical authorities have told us, it is possible to treat and even cure bipolar disorder. Here are three fundamental techniques to help eliminate the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Technique #1: Learn To Control Your Thinking

Although you might be taking
medication to deal with your bipolar disorder right now, I promise you that 'bipolar self-help' is absolutely essential if you want to achieve freedom from your illness. Antidepressants and psychiatric care or therapy have their place, but currently there is not nearly enough emphasis being placed on the power of practicing self-help for those who want to overcome bipolar.

The most essential element of exercising self help and eventually being able to cure bipolar disorder is becoming acutely conscious of your thinking. The worst episodes always begin with small, seemingly harmless thoughts. Small thoughts in turn grow into something increasingly irrational, and soon another explosive episode is born.

Learning to control and master your thinking is an intensive process that requires tremendous self discipline and deep awareness of your personal tendencies. If you want to take the first step towards finally having the power to tame your own mind I suggest you seek the help of an alternative approach. Many people have been able to cure bipolar disorder, but it has not happened using conventional medicine. Achieving freedom from bipolar disorder is possible once you find the key for making these fundamental changes in your mood patterns and thinking.

Technique #2: Commit To Beneficial Outcomes

Perhaps the biggest tragedy of being afflicted by bipolar disorder is the frequent inability to create healthy situations and prevent destructive ones. On the contrary, when in the midst of struggling against their disease, those afflicted often bring about horrific pain, tumult, and heartache. In essence, technique #2 is simply an extension of the first technique; if you are able to exert control over the small thoughts that initially lead to irrational and poisonous emotions, you will be in a better position to commit to beneficial, healthy outcomes. Therefore it is necessary to master the thoughts that precede this eventual commitment if you are endeavoring to cure bipolar disorder. When struggling to maintain a healthy mood and rational thinking, you can simply declare within that you have firmly committed to not letting an episode flare up. In fact, you must then become unambiguously dedicated to a beneficial, non-explosive, neutral or even positive outcome.

The underlying thinking here is that you are converting what potentially began as something destructive and toxic, into what has the possibility of being a normal, safe, and advantageous result. When you are able to do this it will act as a powerful affirmation that you are much more than the chemical components of your brain - you are in control of your thinking, your moods, and your life. Believing you have control over yourself is absolutely imperative to positively affecting your reality and effectively thwarting potential episodes.

Technique #3: Use The Perspective Test

When feeling the onset of mania, the opportunity for performing a highly effective self-help test becomes crucially important. The Perspective Test consists of taking a step back from where you currently are emotionally and psychologically and evaluating the antithesis of your feelings. Therefore if you feel angry that your husband didn't clean the kitchen, imagine what it would be like to feel happy that your husband cleaned the kitchen. Although obviously not the case, and while you may indeed have valid reasons to be angry, the point with this
exercise is to create massive contrast - the antithesis or opposite of what you are presently experiencing. For those who are capable of doing this, a fresh understanding of your own perspective is obtainable. It then becomes easier to resist letting the situation control you, and enables you to control your moods and thoughts irrespective of any current external factors. The main point here is that it doesn't matter if you are vindicated in feeling angry at the messy kitchen (or any other similar situation), you are choosing consciously to refuse to allow external circumstances to dictate the your inner dispositions.

Those who have a spouse or significant other who is ill with bipolar often struggle with their partner's intense rage, paranoia, jealously and other irrational and exaggerated emotions and thinking. Unfortunately the established medical community has not done enough to help the spouses and family members of those who suffer from bipolar disorder. However, there is alternative information that provides workable solutions and powerful advice for people is such situations.

Conclusion: Help Is Out There

In order to make real progress in your fight to reclaim your life and finally end the suffering of bipolar disorder it is necessary to break away from the established medical community. Although certain medications have been scientifically proven to help with
anxiety, there is nothing that a medical doctor can offer you to cure your bipolar disorder. That must come from within, and it is only achievable with focussed and determined self help.
With effort and persistence, you can overcome bipolar. There is most certainly hope for living a normal life free of this illness. However this will not happen until you abandon the false belief that doctors will heal you - for clearly they can not. Sadly, doctors prognosticate a very bleak picture for bipolar patients. According to them, there is no known cure. Yet there are many people who have successfully treated bipolar by developing themselves and this has, in effect, led to being permanent cured.

In your fight to cure bipolar disorder it is imperative that you never lose hope, never give up, and actively seek out the information that provides lasting answers in order to develop a mastery of the self.

Johnathan Sterling reviews important products for people from all walks of life. By undertaking a serious, honest, and comprehensive investigation into important issues and the available products that can help them, Johnathan continues to be a valuable voice of expertise in the online wilderness.

Visit for recommendations on the top three reviewed programs for curing bipolar disorder.

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